Living in society
All the people who live and work around us, in our village, town or city, are called our community. There are many different people in our community. We live with our families at home. We work with our classmates and teachers at school. The people who live near us are called our neighbours. In this unit we are going to learn about the people who live and work around us.
Esta secuencia contiene:
7 actividades
27 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
All the people who live and work around us, in our village, town or city, are called our community. There are many different people in our community. We live with our families at home. We work with our classmates and teachers at school. [...]
Living with others Every day we live with and meet many different people. We live with our family. We also see our friends, neighbours, classmates and teachers every day. [...]
Working together at school At school, we work with many people and we take part in different group activities. We should respect the school rules so that the activities go well. At school we should: Look after the materials. [...]
The city council The city council makes the rules for our local area. The city council also makes plans for the local area. We can say that the city council governs us. [...]
All the people who live and work around us, in our village, town or city, are called our community. There are many different people in our community. We live with our families at home. We work with our classmates and teachers at school. [...]
Hold a class meeting In class meetings we talk with our teacher and our classmates. We talk about subjects that interest us and we resolve any problems between classmates. [...]
All the people who live and work around us, in our village, town or city, are called our community. There are many different people in our community. We live with our families at home. We work with our classmates and teachers at school. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
8 años:
- Biología
- Sociología
9 años:
- Sociología
- Biología
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